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D. Bramante
Ordine Arch.
The facades
Sch. Bramanteschi
Twin columns
Prospective painter
"Mirabile art."


Donato Bramante - PU
Quincentenary 1514-2014
Genuary 2014
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Diffusion of the 'schemes Bramante' on colonial architectures

"The celebration of the Quincentenary of the death of Donato Bramante, as well as representing a canonical recurrence of relief on the historical and cultural heritage, could be an opportunity for the Upper Valley Metaurus, especially close to the sound rejection of Urbino to the European Capital 2019, a budget and a rilfessione state of art of an area of outstanding natural beauty, historical and architectural monuments (UNESCO recognized the site of Urbino), but strongly sacrificed in terms of attendance , strategies , and content innovative tourism offer . This data, referred in particular to the public and international observers , reflected in a small scale now chronic reality of the Bel Paese on the use and accessibility of Cultural Heritage. A scenario not very comforting for 2014, can be placed exactly after the recent ministerial decision to permanently reduce programs teaching of art history, all data should be appropriately reflect and discuss on this occasion with the great cultural heritage of our country filtered through the international influence of one of the most important figures of the Italian Renaissance."

Tav. on Tempietto di S, Pietro in Montorio. Universitad S. Pablo CEU, Madrid - ES.

"Above all, this celebration of the new millennium , should be the opportunity to contextualize the extraordinary importance of an Architect and Fortune that this author is in the New World in reference to the endless repertoire of applications of the schemes Bramante. This aspect little known and not always be remembered regards the figure of one of the greatest interpreters Workshop Renaissance and represents a different 'point of view' which puts the analysis on a different scale than the national. A reading that emphasizes the diffusion of architectural texts Bramante and the phenomenon of 'Classicism' in the world's going to find his models first, its sources, its authors, who are often lost in an exclusively scientific imagery and little known, devoted to mere technical publications. Acultural responsibility that measure a difference, requires a comparison of the extraordinary richness of our history and of the models born in Italy in the past and the present scenario that puts the cultural heritage in last place among the investment and funding of national and local politics. This in relation to the strategies that other countries EU, primarily France, Spain, Catalonia, Germany and the New World are able to spend on innovation, services, 'accessibility' of Cultural heritage in relation to the investment capacity of our country. in our case, that of a valley Metaurus (up to Urbino), where in the face of a very rich offer (on paper) of cultural citizens are struggling not just to understand that there is a network and a museum system, where there is little tourist information, there are no opening hours of the evening , where the much desired and decreed by the Marche region " diffused Museum " was never actually built and especially where there are still no effective infrastructure : the Fano- Grosseto is far from the end of the work for the stretch of Tuscany , no longer exists a railroad from 1986 and means of transport shall be done exclusively on ' rubber ' with buses and coaches , difficult to use and often times with little use if not impossible to find. "


Plan of the old town of Fermoy, on the bend of the River metauro, with the mighty Toirre palatial, which overlooks the main street and seven alleys of the Castle.

"In 2014 marks the Quincentenary of the death of the great architect Donato Bramante was born in 1444 in Monte Asdrualdo at Fermoy "castle" of the Duchy of Urbino. To celebrate the anniversary , the town of Fermoy , his hometown, has launched an art project - cultural , which will continue with a series of events until 2014. At the Museum of Architecture (Ex- slaughterhouse) will open an exhibition dedicated to his childhood, adolescence and the years of his maturity at the court of Federico da Montefeltro. And ' rebuilt the environment in which the fifteenth-century architect has grown , with photographs of the places and with the documentation of the routes Bramante , with the display of medals minted by the Vatican in 1506 , the medal false " Bramantes Durantinos", a rare publication in 1647, " the Lives of the Most Excellent Painters , sculptors and architects " of Vasari ; engravings of the birthplace , in 1530 a new design of the Basilica of St. Peter's recovery from the Caradosso medal and an engraving of 1600 the temple of San Pietro in Montorio. In medieval tower are placed wooden models of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica , the courtyard of the Belvedere in the Vatican and the temple of San Pietro in Montorio."

Testo tratto dal sito del 'Comune di Fermignano' - "Bramante: anche i geni hanno cominciato da piccoli."

The scheme Bramante, with rusticated podium and twin columns of the facade of the building Ugoccioni in Piazza della Signoria in Florence.

"The celebrities give to their place of birth a sense of identity. Too Donato Bramante , who according to the German historian Jacob Burkhardt, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo , Raphael is one of the founders of ' " High Renaissance ". Architect saw light in Fermoy ( Urbino) in 1444 . Raised and educated in the Montefeltro in 1477 Bramante went to Milan to study - as Vasari says - the Gothic style of the cathedral. Donato to understand the young man you're forced to talk about Fermoy and the court Federico da Montefeltro of Urbino . since there are no records of the first 33 years of Bramante , except for some rare deed of the family, care must be taken as a commissioner of police , looking for clues and assumptions of various historians. such is the purpose which is aimed at the exhibition " Bramante. genes have also started small . , the first 30 years with the Montefeltro ." Bramante died in Rome in 1514 . during the Quincentenary of his death , the City of Fermoy organizes a year ' event - free. it must be said , however, that after half a millennium has been very little new to be discovered. spite of two excellent scholars of Bramante , which Arnaldo Bruschi and Christoph Luitpold Frommel , they climbed into the chair at a meeting PiQuadro organized by the company , we were afraid of the concept of "scientific ." However, we believe that May 30 , the date on which it will raise the curtain of the show, will be brought to light several things not yet known."

Text from - "Mostra su Donato Bramante."

"It 's been built environment century in which the architect has grown , with photographs of the places and with the documentation of the routes Bramante , with a display of medals minted by the Vatican in 1506, the medal false " Bramantes Durantinos " a rare 1647 publication " the Lives of the most Excellent Painters, sculptors and architects " of Vasari ; engravings of the birthplace, in 1530 a new design of the Basilica of St. Peter's recovery from the Caradosso medal and an engraving of 1600 the temple of San Pietro in Montorio. exhibition will be an opportunity to appreciate how Bramante Virtual Master: Microsoft has scanned all the projects of the Fabbrica di San Pietro , noting the 1:30 scale model the model largest ever built in the Renaissance will be in digital form, as sign of the day. Medieval Tower are placed in wooden models of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica , the courtyard of the belvedere in the Vatican and the temple of San Pietro in Montorio."

Text from site del 'Comune di Fermignano' - "Bramante: anche i geni hanno cominciato da piccoli."


Arch. Sir Inigo Jones, table to study the facade of the Queen's House. Bramante with the known references interwoven with the repertoire of Andrea Palladio in Vicenza Chiericati palace. Greenwich, England, from 1616 to 1635.


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